At Rez
Confirmation is a sacramental rite given to God's people to confirm their faith, grow deeper in their commitment to Jesus, and be empowered with the filling of God’s Spirit for the work you are called to for the sake of the world. While confirmation is not required to be a member of the church, it is a gift of grace to empower your Christian life and ministry.
Should I be confirmed?
Yes, of course! If you have been baptized and desire to renew your baptismal vows and be sent in the power of the Spirit, then you should pursue confirmation. If you have been confirmed in another Christian tradition, you should be received into the Episcopal Church. If you have been confirmed in the Episcopal church, you can also choose to reaffirm your faith. These are sacred milestones for our whole church community.
How can I prepare for confirmation?
At Resurrection, our Life Together Course is how we prepare you for all adult formation, including confirmation. We ask that you have completed at least the “Welcome” class, and attend one of our adult confirmation orientation classes in order to get confirmed. Youth who are interested must attend the youth catechism classes which will prepare them for and help them discern confirmation. Typically, confirmation is reserved for baptized adults and high school students. For our younger students, there isn't a hard-and-fast rule here, so if you'd like to ask about you or your child, please reach out and talk to us. Finally, everyone who desires to be confirmed will meet with one of our clergy or ministry staff to discuss and discern what this means for you.
If you are interested in being confirmed, received, or to reaffirm your faith when the bishop comes, please fill out the information form below.