“The world is charged with the grandeur of God.” Gerard Manley Hopkins

Season of Creation 2024 at Rez

Sep 1 - Oct 6

This year, Rez is joining in with a worldwide movement to celebrate the"Season of Creation", an annual celebration to pray, listen, and care forCreation and all its inhabitants, from Sep 1 to Oct 4.  During this season, our Rez Creation Care team will be hosting several local events with the theme "To Hope and Act With Creation" in mind, ending with our own St. Francis Fest and Blessing of the Animals on Oct 6!  Check out our newsletter in the coming weeks for more details, and go to the Season of Creation website to learn more about what you can do to participate in the global celebration!

Creation-Themed Kids Classes

Our Rez Kids classes will be focusing on God's creation in the Bible and how we are called to give thanks and wonder at all that God has made.  We encourage you to take time to get outside and "wonder" with your children during this season!

Come "Birding" With Us!

Join us Saturday, Sep 7 from 8-10am for a fun and relaxing morning of immersing ourselves in God's creation as we go "birding" together in our city!  Sarah Coles will be leading a walk that will take folks through Roy G. Guerrero Park to look for both resident and migrating birds and to enjoy nature here in Austin together.  Sign up today!

Season of Creation Challenge

Looking for practical ways to engage and learn about Creation Care? Take the Rez Season of Creation challenge and see how many of the practices you can implement in your life and family.


Join our Creation Care Focus Group!


The Rez Creation Care focus group aims to cultivate a conversation about God’s commitment and care for his creation, his call for us to do the same, and how we can participate in this vocation as a community.  Our participation will include providing resources, hosting regular book/article studies, and coordination projects/events focused on creation care. We meet monthly in-person and online to pray, reflect, and learn from one another. If you would like to be involved. Click on the button below to sign up! Check back here often for more resources!

“O heavenly Father, who has filled the world with beauty: Open our eyes to behold your gracious hand in all your works; that, rejoicing in your whole creation, we may learn to serve You with gladness; for the sake of him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”