“This class has been a spiritual awakening for me.”



“Life Together in the Goodness of God”

We use this phrase all the time at Rez to describe the shared life we’re pursuing as a community. It’s a life centered on Jesus, filled with the Spirit, and overflowing with beauty, goodness, and truth. This is how life was meant to be and God welcomes everyone into it. 

A life with God isn’t one we can simply know about, and it won’t just happen to us, it takes intention, formation, and practice. A Christian disciple is someone who rearranges their whole life, as they have it, around the life and teachings of Jesus. And when a community does this, what they have is “Life Together in the Goodness of God.” 

Can this really happen? Absolutely, yes. This is exactly the work God is doing. We know this because Jesus of Nazareth inhabited this same world, announced that a life with God is available to everyone, and he would show us the way. Being a disciple of Jesus means cooperating with to three divine movements:

God welcomes us into His life
Shapes us with His presence and 
Sends us with His power

So we’ve designed a simple course around these 3 movements: Welcome, Shape, and Send.

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Instruction, practice, & groups

Each movement gives intention, formation, and practice to our pursuit of a life together in the goodness of God. Each session consists of brief instruction, small group reflection, and practice in our daily lives. Each course will guide us to rearrange our lives around the reality that Jesus reveals, through simple practices, and in the fellowship of community. It’s for those who want to build a life with God, cooperate with His involvement, and be transformed from the inside out.


What participants are saying

“I have been motivated to spend priority time with God and look more to His leading every day.”

“Made scripture come alive.”

“ [The class] invited me deeper into understanding of the Gospel & concepts I had heard all my life.”

“ It brought a lot of life & hope to places that had felt very lost/confused.”

“Super encouraging class. Very helpful for those deconstructing.”

“Very nourishing for the soul.”

“This has been one of the most informative and helpful church classes I've ever attended. It's given me so many things to ponder with open ended questions.”

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The Welcome Class

Encountering the reality of God | 6-weeks

Jesus announced that a divine life was now available to us, a life arranged around the goodness of God. This course considers how our lives as we have them— past, present, and future—can be involved with God’s.

Here’s what it covers:

What is the Gospel?
What does it mean to be saved?
How can I read the Bible?
How can I pray?
What is worship?
What is the Church?

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Practicing a life with God | 6-weeks

This class explores simple practices that help us to discern and cooperate with God’s presence and work in our daily lives.

Here’s what it covers:

God’s love and Centering prayer
Discerning the heart and the Examen
Discerning the soul and Lectio Divina
Discerning the mind and the Daily Office
Discerning the body and disciplines
Discerning the neighbor and serving

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The Send Class

Participating with God’s power | 6-weeks

Imagine God, working through your unique gifts and calling, empowering you by his Spirit, to take up your part in His mission for the sake of others. That is what this course is all about, discerning God’s power working in us– bringing our gifts, loves, and character to life–in service of his mission to renew the world.

Here’s what it covers: 

Mission is about God renewing all things
Mission is the likeness of Christ
Mission involves proclamation and presence
Mission is costly and the reward is Christ
Mission is communal and public
Mission is personal

Beginning September 25, 2022.