Participating with God to welcome others.

Everyone is invited to find a place on a service team. It's a great way to get connected with others and practice a life of generosity, considering the needs of others before our own. Use your gifts, talents, or interests for the life of the church by joining a service team.

Click the button below to let us know how you’re interested in serving others.

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Acolytes serve by assisting the clergy with leading the congregation in the celebration of the liturgy. Acolytes help prepare the worship space, and assist clergy in leading the liturgy in various roles.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 3 hours

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Altar Guild and Sacristy

This team supports our clergy with adorning the sacred space for the celebration of the liturgy and making sure we have all of our material resource needs met.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 3 hours

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Audiovisual Team

The AV Team supports our clergy and music teams with all technical audio/visual aspects of our Sunday worship services. This includes helping to set up and operate video, microphones, and slide programs during the worship services.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 2 hours

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Family Ministry

We provide childcare and children’s classes for the first part of our Sunday worship service (up until Eucharist). Family Ministry volunteers help lead our children’s classes and help with childcare for our youngest participants. 
Estimated monthly time commitment: 2 hours  

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Hospitality Team

This team helps welcome people into our community by creating an inviting atmosphere for worship and fellowship. This team serves by staffing our Sunday Welcome Table, serving coffee following services, and/or helping with special events.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 1 hour



Our readers participate in our worship services by reading Scripture or leading the congregation in the Prayers of the People.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 1 hour


Setup Team

Our setup team helps with setting up our worship space prior to the service, and breaking down our space and putting away equipment after the service.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 1 hour


Worship Team

This team is responsible for leading the congregation in musical worship. This includes ongoing listening/learning of new music, arriving early for rehearsals, and playing and singing for one or both services on Sundays.
Estimated monthly time commitment: 4 hours