What is Catechesis?
This Sunday, August 25 2019, we are commissioning Rez's first lay catechist! It's a really big deal and for really good reason. But "catechist" and "catechesis" aren't words we often hear, if ever. If you're wondering what catechesis is, we wanted to give you a quick introduction, adapted from our Anglican catechism: To Be A Christian.
It's about making disciples:Christian Catechesis (from the Greek katecheo: “to instruct”) is an essential part of Christian disciple-making. It is a process aimed at making clear to everyone what it means to be a Christian. It lays out what is essential for Christian faith and life. It opens the door to knowing Jesus Christ and experiencing the full love of God through him.
It's about the mission of the church:The process of catechesis leads to full involvement in the life and mission of the Church, and deeper understanding of what it means to be a citizen of the Kingdom of God.
It's about "Life Together in the Goodness of God": Finally, catechesis anchors disciples in the full reality of unquenchable joy, beginning in this life and ever-increasing in the life to come. As such, catechesis is a missional means by which God may bring about both conversion to Christ and formation in Christ.
This is why we make such a big deal about it!
This is why we thank God for preparing people like Thomas Magbee, who we celebrate this Sunday. He is a servant and co-workers in the sacred ministry of catechesis. Make sure you join us this Sunday for this!
This is also why catechesis is built-in to our church's mission statement: "to participate with God to welcome, shape, and send disciples." We want to be in involved in God's life, and in Christ we are. We are welcomed in Baptism into the household of God, shaped and nourished at his table in Holy Eucharist, and equipped and sent into the world as ambassadors of His Kingdom in confirmation. Here's the way we visualize this mission at Rez:
Who should go to Catechism?
You should.
If you're a Christian who desires to grow in the faith and help others grow.
If you've never been confirmed (what's that? A topic for another newsletter), start the process with catechesis.
If you're not a Christian but love coffee.
If you're a committed member of Rez, commit to growing in your understanding of the faith.
If you want to know more about the Lord's Prayer, the Ten Commandments, and the Creed.
Don't miss this opportunity to grow.
Join us as we kick off a new season of fellowship, prayer, and study in our catechism hour before the service every Sunday, beginning September 8th at 9 AM. Kid's catechism classes will also be open during that time, so bring the whole family.
Find out more below on our Adult Catechesis page: